Bypassing Social Resistance
Introduction: This Tree is emergent fromuseful account of some event or phenomenon, leading to doubts about whether you can establish your ideas as sound.
and contains all the elements. It comes into play when there is a social rejection of aEmergence from PH7-Willingness
selflessness, which is required because our groups and tasks, even our existence, does not fully accord with or support the biases and preferences of our ego/self. To handle ourselves and our groups, we each have to share our genuine experiences and honest views. Every social group needs accounts of its nature and situation that it can scrutinize, agree on and use.
seems necessary for our personal and social existence. The drive (psychosocial pressure) associated with isAccounts are relevant to group choices, especially in regard to handling change. That means the accounts have to be acceptable to most people in the group. However, new ideas, proposals, scenarios, theories, predictions, projections and other accounts face two issues: their correctness and their implications.
While correctness is subject to study, implications are inherently political. Even small groups or groups of educated professionals are not open to any account that is presented. As well as being affected by conventional wisdom or a previous consensus, they are dominated by individual and collective biases and interests. So if you produce a new or unexpected account, it naturally runs into opposition and objections: broadly categorized as «resistance».
Resistance is often associated with misunderstanding. Evidence may be challenged, arguments distorted and ideas misinterpreted. With further explanation, debate and even just the passage of time, your account may become accepted, at least as a view that deserves consideration. However, sometimes the rejection of an account intensifies. Then you and your views become excluded from discussions. You may be denounced as subversive, heretical, wrong-headed, or even crazy. Your account may then be ignored, suppressed, censored or banned.
You always have the option to retract your account, or keep it to yourself and a few close confidantes. You can re-focus your attention on other matters that return you to the good graces of colleagues and wider society. However, driven by selflessness, your principles and commitment to the group may cause you to refuse to abandon your views. You then seek to establish your ideas as sound against all the odds. This requires you to use a framework comprised solely of PH-L3 elements which deliver the needed acceptability that alone can overcome social resistance.
With this focus on acceptability, you must regard yourself in the role of «messenger»: one who is bearing a message that others may not want to hear.
Examples: Rejection of the New
More on Life's Necessity: Providing Necessary Accounts.
Why the Framework is all PH-L3s
It is hard to give attention to acceptability when you are dedicating yourself to selflessly pursuing the truth of some matter; and it is painful to be then denounced and excluded, for your dedication. However, the way for others to benefit from what you have determined or discovered is to be determined to give full attention to issues of acceptability.
Investigations into the Root Projection to Primary Hierarchies suggested that PH-L3 elements (within their ) are constructed under a psychosocial pressure for acceptability (probably with a specific neurophysiological underpinning).
The Tree framework constituted solely out of PH-L3 elements can therefore be expected to be dedicated to the provision of acceptability. Being a Root Tree, each level (KL•) will also retain its usual psychosocial pressures.
Note: The process here assumes that you are prepared to make a genuine and willing adaptation to the social environment i.e. there is a strong link to
This list is taken directly from analysis of the Root Projection.
- is about improving the quality of results. However, the technique must be socially acceptable or it is rejected regardless of its seeming value.
- enables properties and differences to be highlighted, but as the proverb states: 'comparisons are odious'. Unless the comparison is acceptable, it does not count or will be ignored.
- represents a new desirable state whose existence is deemed acceptable because it assumes preservation the current identity. (Acceptability is a general factor in , and so it also applies at the other levels of functioning.)
- handles mental and physiological states that express (and sometimes protect) a current identity. However, acceptability affects use of emotions, and societies typically require certain emotions to be suppressed or even repressed.
- is about fitting a communication into the identity of a particular domain. The acceptability of the interpretation is a crucial factor in its development and communication.
- enables re-shaping practices via a particular re-disposition of resources (i.e. concrete value). Given the mission, priorities are inevitable and so automatically acceptable; but specific priorities also seek socially acceptability so as to make rapid headway.
- entails acceptability of the potential for change to a current perspective and identity. When what is plainly evident is unacceptable—as is common in politics and business—denial supervenes.
Renewal & Recovery
Summary Only: This is an abbreviated overview of the Tree with a focus on the the next topic. An understanding the various elements is assumed. For more details within the Architecture Room, review the relevant part of the Root Projection section.
. A fuller account is provided in
The heart of the framework is
. Your account has been rejected because you have seen something that others are resistant to seeing. You must therefore encourage yourself to . At the same time, you have to penetrate the resistances that group members are presenting. You must see why they are responding as they do: it may be due to defensiveness, ignorance, prejudice, politics or self-interest—or some mixture of these. You must then how that response can be circumvented. However, must be judicious. You do not have the impossible goal of overcoming everybody's objection or getting unanimous backing. You must only bypass the most intense resistances. So requires feeds from other Centres.Feeding in to renewal of the endeavours-proper related to providing your account.
from above are the 5 Centres that enableVarious factors are behind the negative public response. It is therefore essential to respect theirchallenges to your .
. These significant matters, i.e. , serve asRespect for focus ; and to release a demand for . Better communication shows you are becoming committed, and improved attitudes get support for your .
should also engender to your account. You must use signs toThen you must use becomes realistic and others may accept that you are indeed something important.
to help others understand the substance of your account. Others will offer a variety of comparisons that deserve appreciation. But you know best which analogies or illustrations are most relevant and explanatory. As you do this,Feeding in to recovery of a viable continuation of the contract.
from below are the 3 Centres that enableAny adaptations to suit your group must be focused, and so
must be set. On the one hand, it is essential to get in line and support what others are . On the other hand, you need to insist on in regard to what is most important.Your energize your . You are emotionally bound to your views, and becoming detached from your account is counter-productive. You can because groups respond primarily to emotion, which allows rational or rationalized resistance by particular individuals to be ignored.
are critical here and need toBypassing Renewal with Recovery. There are two levels essential for bypassing group resistance effectively: your and your . Your validate . Your justifies an insistence on .
to connectFinal Common Path: acceptability. The type of technique will depend on the account, the group, the nature of the resistance and your available skills. You must use them to confirm your appeal to .
can provide a sure way of reaching out to others and convincing them. So you should to provide the necessary- Examine all PH-L3 Centres and mutual influences systematically in more detail.
See how the framework may be used (or misused).
- Continue to Reducing Intra-Group Conflicts: the Tree of PH-L4 elements from that helps you promote social harmony.
Initially posted: 13-Sep-2013. Last amended: 12-May-2014.